Ithaca Prenatal Chiropractic
Our phones are answered from 9am-5pm Monday through Friday, we can be reached at 607-272-0006
208 N Meadow St (Rt 13)
Ithaca, NY 14850
We are located on Rt 13 on the left hand side between Seneca and Buffalo St (directly before the FasTrac gas station, across the street from Milkstand Restaurant). We have a free parking lot behind our building, our driveway is located before the building!
Our phones are answered from 9am-5pm Monday through Friday, we can be reached at 607-272-0006
208 N Meadow St (Rt 13)
Ithaca, NY 14850
We are located on Rt 13 on the left hand side between Seneca and Buffalo St (directly before the FasTrac gas station, across the street from Milkstand Restaurant). We have a free parking lot behind our building, our driveway is located before the building!